16th General Assembly of WEGENER on earth deformation and the study of earthquakes using geodesy and geodynamics.
About WegenerThe concept of WEGENER (Working Group of European Geoscientists for the Establishment of Networks for Earthquake Research) was put forward at a meeting of the Journees Luxembourgeoise de Geodynamique held in Walferdange in 1980 and the consortium was formally established during a meeting at IfAG (now BFG) in Frankfurt early in 1981. It was a voluntary collaboration among a large group of European institutions and individual scientists wishing to cooperate on the application of space and terrestrial geodetic techniques to the study of geodynamics in the Alpine-Mediterranean plate boundary region in the framework of NASA’s Crustal Dynamics Project (CDP). For the past 31 years, the WEGENER project (now a Sub-commission 3.5 of IAG commission 3) has served as a forum to coordinate, and provide linkage for, multidisciplinary projects on Earth deformation and dynamics. The research focus is on crustal deformation. This includes the seasonal distribution of surface loading, the earthquake cycle, volcanic processes (eruptions, dike intrusions, induced seismic activity), near surface motions (landslides, induced and natural superficial subsidence/collapse). Alfred Lothar Wegener (1880 - 1930)