16th General Assembly of WEGENER on earth deformation and the study of earthquakes using geodesy and geodynamics.

Scientific Programme




Earthquake Geodesy and Geodynamics

Monitoring and modelling earth deformation from giant to small scale events






Meeting Programme


University of Strasbourg - Collège Doctoral Européen

17 - 20 September 2012


Monday 17 September

 12:30 - 13:30 - Welcome of participants and registration

13:30 - 14:00 - Opening of the meeting: Mustapha Meghraoui (LOC), Presidency of UdS

Haluk Ozener (President of Wegener Group), Frederic Masson (Head of EOST)


14:00 - 18:30 - Session 2

The role of continental faults in the Mediterranean, Africa and Middle-East

Chair: M. Meghraoui, T. Wright, J-M. Nocquet


Invited: Present-day kinematics of the Mediterranean: a comprehensive overview of GPS results

J-M Nocquet

14:00 - 14:30

Broad-scale NE-SW compressional strain within the Arabian plate

A. Arrajehi, K. Al-damegh, T. Al-Otaibi, A. Al-humaizi, M. Floyd, R. King, R. Reilinger, S. McClusky, M. Daoud, J. Sholan, F. Bou-Rabee

14:30 - 14:50

Thermal and Compositional Controls on African Seismicity

T. Craig & J. Jackson

14:50 - 15:10

Seismic and aseismic deformation along the East African Rift System from a reanalysis of the GPS velocity field of Africa

A. Deprez, C. Doubre, F. Masson

15:10 - 15:30

Spatio-temporal distribution of tectonic strain accumulation and release in the Apennines from decadal geodetic rates and 400 years of historical seismicity

N. D'Agostino

15:30 - 15:50

Reassessment of the source of the 1976 Friuli, NE Italy, earthquake sequence from the joint inversion of high-precision levelling and triangulation data

D. Cheloni, N. D'Agostino, E. D'Anastasio, G. Selvaggi

15:50 - 16:10


16:10 - 16:30 - Coffee Break



Seven years of postseismic deformation following the 2003 Mw=6.8 Zemmouri earthquake (Algeria) from InSAR Time Series

E. Cetin, M. Meghraoui, Z. Cakir, A. Akoglu, O. Mimouni & M. Chebbah

16:30 - 16:50

The Mw 5.1 Lorca (Spain) Earthquake Successfully Recorded by GPS

L. Mendoza, J. M. D'Avila Jose, J. Garate, M. Becker

16:50 - 17:10

Recent Creep Rate of Ismetpasa Segment of North Anatolian Fault (Turkey) inferred from 7-years GPS Observations

H. Ozener, S. Ergintav, U. Dogan, Z. Cakir, A. Dogru, B. Turgut, O. Yilmaz, K. Halicioglu, A. Sabuncu, E. Havazli

17:10 - 17:30

Kinematics of the eastern Caucasus near Baku, Azerbaijan

F. Kadirov, M. Floyd, A. Alizada, I. Guliev, R. Reilinger, R. King

17:30 - 17:50

Remote sensing for moderate earthquake deformations in the Eastern Mediterranean

M. Ilieva, P. Briole, P. Elias, D. Dimitrov

17:50 - 18:10

Deformation Field and Velocity Vectors for the Egyptian Territory Deduced from Permanent GPS Data

M. Saleh, M. Becker, A-M.  S. Mohamed, N. Abou-Aly, M. Salah, K. Hassan

18:10 - 18:30

19:30 - 21:30 – Gala dinner


Tuesday 18 September

08:30 - 12:30 - Session 1 Subduction zones and giant earthquakes

Chair: C. Vigny, M. Simons, L. Rivera




Invited : Short to long-term segmentation of the subduction seismogenic zone: what interpretations?


A. Socquet

08:30 - 09:00

Invited : Imaging coseismic slip along subduction megathursts: recent progress and future challenges


A. Sladen

09:00 - 09:30

Invited : Controlled source seismic imaging of subduction zones; what can we learn from the down-going plate


M. Delescluse, M. Nedimovic , D. Shillington, S. Carbotte, A. Becel, J-P. Canales, H. Carton, S. Webb, H. Kuehn

09:30 - 10:00


10:00 - 10:30 - Coffee Break




The coastline as a dynamic marker of forearc deformation and Megathrust segmentation along the Andean subduction Margin


L. Audin, M. Saillard, J-P Avouac

10:30 - 10:50


Constraint of the interseismic deformation in the Mw 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake area: Insights from paleogeodesy and paleoseismology


M. Meghraoui, S. Toda, M. Ferry, S. Schmidt, H. Tsutsumi, K. Okumura, T. Haraguchi


10:50 - 11:10

Vertical deformation of northeastern Honshu coastline: from minutes to thousands of years and “Implications on the earthquake cycle along the Japan trench


S. Schmidt, M. Meghraoui , E. Cetin, K. Okumura, S. Toda

11:10 - 11:30

On the occurrence of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake: role of preseismic stress accumulation and coseismic absolute stress release on a weak fault


Y. Mitsui, Y. Iio, Y. Fukahata

11:30 - 11:50

Strain accumulation in the Southern Andes (25°-35°S) observed by ERS and Envisat SAR data


G. Ducret, M-P. Doin, R. Grandin, A. Socquet, C . V i g n y, M. M é t o i s, M. B e j a r-P i z a r r o

11:50 - 12:10

Episodic slow slips and synchronous with seismic swarms in the northern Andes subduction zone


J-M. Nocquet, J. C. Villegas Lanza, M. Vallée, P. Mothes, F. Rolandone, P. Jarrin, M. Chlieh, H. Tavera, M. Regnier, Y. Font, M. Segovia

12:10 - 12:30

12:30 - 14:00 – Lunch

Lunch-Meeting discussion on Supersites initiatives and perspectives


14:00 - 16:00 - Poster session

POSTER (Session 1)

1.00 m width – 1.5 long

W phase source inversion using the high-rate regional GPS data of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake


L. Rivera, H. Kanamori, Z. Duputel


Crustal deformation prior to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Japan, from the continuous GPS data of the dense GEONET network.


E. Klein, J-M. Nocquet, L. Rolland, P. Bosser, T. Dinh Trong, T. Yahagi, M. Vergnolle, A. Sladen


Strategies to develop early warning tsunami-induced tilt for the 2007, M=7.6, Tocopilla and the 2010, M=8.8 Maule earthquakes, Chile, from long base tiltmeter and broad-band seismometer records.


F. Boudin, S. Allgeyer, P. Bernard, H. Hebert ,

 M. Olcay, M. El-Madani, B. Schurr, M-F. Esnoult, R. Madariaga, G. Asch, I. Nunez, M. Kammenthaler


POSTER (Session 2)

1.00 m width – 1.5 long

Monitoring and modeling of interseismic creep of the North Anatolian Fault at Ismetpasa using Persistent Scatterer InSAR


E. Cetin, Z. Cakir, U. Dogan, A. Akoglu, H. Ozener, S. Ergintav, M. Meghraoui

Using seismic and GPS data for hazard estimation in some active regions in Egypt


A-M. Mohamed

Seismicity and 10-years recent crustal deformation studies at Aswan region, Egypt


M. Abdel-Monem, M. Haggag, M. Saleh, N. Abou-Aly

ALERT-ES project: Development of an Earthquake Early Warning System (EEWS) for SW Iberian Peninsula


J. Martin Davila, E. Buforn, X. Goula, A. Pazos, M. Carranza, Y. Colom, M. Lopez Mesa, J. Garate, A. Udias, A. Roca, C. Rioja, A. Jimenez Jose, L. Lozano, A. Zollo, W. Hanka, R. Madariaga, M. Harnafi

A general overview of changes of the earth crust due to earthquakes, land slide and other geological phenomena in the territory of Albania; Monitoring of these changes


B. Nurce, I. Milushi, G. Gjata, S. Allaraj

Slip rate and locking depth of the southern Dead Sea fault revisited from new GPS measurements


F. Masson, Y. Hamiel, A. Deprez, Y. Klinger, A. Agnon

Determination of Strain Accumulation along Tuzla Fault and its Vicinity, Western Turkey


E. Havazli, H. Ozener

GPS constrains on modern geodynamical motion in the Ossetia region of the Great Caucasus: preliminary results


V. Milyukov, A. Mironov, G. Steblov, V. Drobishev, H. Hubaev, A. Kusraev, K. M. Torchinov, V. Shevchenko

Block model at the Hatay Triple junction in N-W Syria and S-E Turkey from GPS data inversion


Y. Mahmoud, Z. Cakir, F. Masson, M. Meghraoui

Main features of the deep structure by earthquake tomography and GPS active tectonics: Case of Rif Mountain (Morocco) and Betic Cordillera (Spain)


Y. Timoulal

POSTER (Session 4)


1.00 m width – 1.5 long

Facilitating Geodesy Data Sharing: UNAVCO Participation in the Joint European Union - United States COOPEUS Project


F. Boler, C. Meertens, S. Wier, M. Miller

Regularized estimation of Euler Pole parameters


B. Aktug, O. Yildirim

Immersed tube tunnels and survey works


E. Yavuz, F. Köse

High rate, high accuracy Earth deformation monitoring using GPS – Application to the Japanese 2011 earthquake


F. Fund, F. Perosanz, F. Mercier, S. Loyer

Towards a fusion of GNSS, SAR-Interferometry and Precise Levelling Data in the Upper Rhine Graben Area


T. Fuhrmann, A. Knopfler, M. Mayer, M. Westerhaus, K. Zippelt, B. Heck

16:00 - 16:30 - Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:30 - Session 4 Earth Observation Systems and Reference Frames

Chair: M. Becker, H. Ozener, Z. Altamimi




A geodetic component to GONAF borehole observatory (NW Turkey)


D. Mencin, M. Floyd, R. Reilinger, M. Bohnhoff, G. Dresen, F. Bulut, S. Ergintav

16:30 - 16:45

Monitoring methods of tunnels deformations


E. Yavuz, F. Köse, N. Ersoy

16:45 - 17:00

A new class of tiltmeters and seismometers based on optic fiber Fabry-Pérot interferometry: Results and use for active tectonics


J. Chery, F. Boudin, M. Cattoen, H-C

Seat, P. Chawah, G. Plantier, A. Sourice, P. Bernard, C. Brunet, S. Gaffet, D. Boyer

17:00 - 17:15

Fast error analysis of continuous GPS position time series


M. Bos, R-M . Fernandes, S.  Williams, L. Bastos

17:15 - 17:30

Automatic analyses of GPS time series for tectonics


D. Tran Trong, J-M. Nocquet

17:30 - 17:45

On the determination of highly precise coordinate time series using GURN (GNSS Upper Rhine Graben Network) data


A. Knopfler, M. Mayer, F. Masson, P. Ulrich, B. Heck

17:45 - 18:00

Blending of reprocessed GNSS coordinate time series parameters with geological data


S. Leinen, M. Becker, G. Läufer,  R. Lehné

18:00 - 18:15

High resolution loading estimates for precise geodetic observations


J-P. Boy

18:15 - 18:30

19h – 20h Visit to the Museum of Seismology


Wednesday 19 September


08:30 - 12:30 - Session 5 Solid Earth dynamics from surface and satellite gravity observations

Chair: J. Hinderer, S. Zerbini, R. Biancale


Invited: Combining absolute gravity, GPS and GRACE to better constrain continental dynamics from GIA to great subduction earthquakes

S. Mazzotti, J. Henton, T. Lambert, N. Courtier, H. Dragert

08:30 - 09:00

Fourteen years of GPS and gravity measurements in and around Bologna, Italy

S. Zerbini, M. Errico, R. Falk, E. Santi, H. Wziontek, G. Cappello

09:00 - 09:20

Taiwan Continuous GPS Geodetic Array: The deformation rate and apparent seasonal variation from 1994-2010

K-C Lin, J-M Nocquet, J-C Hu, B. Delouis

09:20 - 09:40

Towards a global strain map from InSAR and GPS

T. Wright, M. Garthwaite, H. Wang, A. Shepherd,H-S  Jung, A. Hooper

09:40 - 10:00


10:00 - 10:30 - Coffee Break


Monitoring of Ground Deformation in the Haoud Berkaoui Oil Field (Sahara, Algeria) Using Time Series Analysis of SAR Images

S. Bouraoui, M. Meghraoui, R. Bougdal, Z. Cakir

10:30 - 10:50

Mexico City, a sinking city

D. Poreh, T. Van Dam, E. Cabral-Cano

10:50 - 11:10

Visco-elastic deformation of the lithosphere around the lake Siling Co in Tibet

M-P. Doin, C. Twardzik, G. Ducret, C. Lasserre, S. Guillaso, S. Jianbao

11:10 - 11:30

Along strike variations of crustal geometry in the Himalayas from new gravity anomalies data and numerical modelling

T. Berthet, R. Cattin, G. Hetenyi , C. Champollion, J. Chophel , E. Doerflinger, D. Drukpa, , P. Hammer, S. Lechmann, N. Lemoigne, S. Sapkota

11:30 - 11:50

Earth's free oscillation following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake detected by dense GPS array in Japan

Y. Mitsui, K. Heki

11:50 - 12:10

Superconducting gravimeter measurements for land surface model assessment

L. Longuevergne, S. Gascoin, J-P. Boy, S. Rinaldi, A. Ducharne, N. Florsch, J. Hinderer

12:10 - 12:30

12:30 - 14:00 – Lunch

14:00 - 16:00 - Poster session

POSTER (Session 5)

1.00 m width – 1.5 long

The Geoid and the stress state in the Lithosphere of Western Europe

T. Camelbeeck, O. De Viron, M. Van Camp, D. Kusters

PBO and next generation high-rate real-time geodetic networks for active earthquake processes

D. Mencin, D. Melgar, Y. Bock, C. Meertens

New insights on coseismic ionopheric disturbances induced by a well observed intra-continental earthquake, the 2011 Van earthquake in Eastern Turkey

L. Rolland, M. Vergnolle, J-M. Nocquet, J-X. Dessa, F. Tavakoli, A. Sladen, F. Cappa

Time Series Cycle Effect on the Homogeneity and Accuracy of the Egyptian Permanent GPS Network (EPGN)

K. Zahran, N. Abou-Aly, M. Saleh, S. M. Abd el-Monem

Geophysical signals in the occasion of recent large earthquakes in the recording of the interferometric water tube tilt meter, Lohja, Finland

H. Ruotsalainen

Characterization of the dynamics of slope movements with image correlation techniques

J-P. Malet, J. Travelletti, J. Gance, A. Stumpf, G. Skupinski, C. Delacourt

Geodynamics Implication of GPS and Satellite Altimeter and Gravity Observations to the Eastern Mediterranean

K. H. Zahran, A. M. Radwan

Rapid Ice loss at Vatnajokull, Iceland, since the late 1990s constrained from InSAR.

W. Zhao, F. Amelung

Observation of strain rate variations by a quartz-tube extensometer in the Sopronbánfalva Geodynamic Observatory, Hungary

G. Mentes


POSTER (Session 6)

1.00 m width – 1.5 long

Fault activity in the Manda Hararo rift in Afar (Ethiopia) using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar.

S. Dumont, A. Socquet, R. Grandin, C. Doubre, Y. Klinger, E. Jacques


POSTER (Session 3)


1.00 m width – 1.5 long

Slip rate of the Chaman fault, Pakistan, from InSAR


H. Fattahi, F. Amelung

Post-seismic deformation in Central Nevada from 19 years of InSAR observations.


F. Greene, F. Amelung

Tectonic geomorphology and active megathrust traces in the East-Himalayan Syntaxis


E. Kali, P. Tapponnier, J. van der Woerd, S. Choudhury, S. Baruah, K. Alam, A. Ahsan, C. Dorbath, P. Banerjee

The Pingding segment of the Altyn Tagh Fault (91°E): Slip rate determination from cosmogenic radionuclide dating of offset fluvial terraces.


A-S. Mériaux, J. Van der Woerd, P. Tapponnier, F.J. Ryerson, R. C. Finkel, C. Lasserre, X. Xu

Long-term growth of the Himalaya inferred from interseismic InSAR measurement


R. Grandin, M-P Doin, L. Bollinger, B. Pinel- Puysségur, G. Ducret, R. Jolivet, S-N. Sapkota

Seismic cycle stress change along the Himalayas over the last 900 years


R. Cattin, R. Hoste-Colomer, T. Berthet, G. Hetenyi

Fault kinematics and mechanics at the seismic cycle time-scale from experimental approach.


Y. Caniven, S.Dominguez, R.Soliva, R.Cattin, M.Peyret, C.Romano

Fault bends : behavior during the interseismic period constrained by SAR interferometry


S. Daout, G. Ducret, C. Lasserre, M-P. Doin, R. Jolivet, R. Grandin, S. Jianbao, Z-K. Shen, J-M. Nocquet, Y. Klinger

Constraints on the Centroid Moment Tensors from Radial Modes


E. Zabranova

16:00 - 16:30 - Coffee Break


16:30 - 18:30 - Session 6 Magmatic processes and crustal deformation

Chair: Cecile Doubre, Juliet Biggs, Sigurjon Jonsson


Invited: Shallow evolution of Santorini volcano constrained by InSAR and GPS measurements

M. Parks, J. Biggs, S. Ebmeier, P. England, T. Mather, P. Nomikou, K. Palamartchouk, X. Papanikolaou, D. Paradissis, B. Parsons, D. Pyle, C. Raptakis, V. Zacharis

16:30 - 16:50

Invited: The two magma chambers problem in volcano deformation

E. Rivalta

16:50 - 17:10

Invited: Space-geodetic evidence for multiple magma reservoirs and subvolcanic lateral intrusions at Fernandina Volcano, Galápagos Islands

M. Bagnardi, F. Amelung

17:10 - 17:30

Multiscale deformation monitoring at Colima Volcano using TerraSAR-X interferometry and camera observations

J. Salzer, T. Walter, D. Legrand, M. Breton, G. Reyes

17:30 - 17:45

The Magmatic system beneath Torfajökull volcano: A combination of radar and seismic interferometric observations

J. Martins, A. Hooper, D. Draganov, E. Ruigrok, B. White

17:45 - 18:00

Application of bistatic TanDEM-X SAR-interferometry to observe topographic changes at the summits of Merapi, Indonesia and Colima Volcano, Mexico

J. Kubanek, M. Westerhaus, B. Heck

18:00 - 18:15

Magmatic injection and recharge in the Asal Rift, Republic of Djibouti

G. Peltzer, J. Harrington, C. Doubre, J. Tomic Jelena

18:15 - 18:30


18:30 – 20:00 WEGENER Board meeting


Thursday 20 September


08:30 - 12:30 - Session 3 Seismotectonics and the Earthquake Cycle

Chair: Y. Klinger, A. Hooper, F. Amelung, N. Gourmelen



Invited: The long and slow nucleation of most interplate earthquakes


M. Bouchon, J. Schmittbuhl, V.  Durand, D. Marsan, H. Karabulut

08:30 - 08:50

Interplay of seismic and aseismic deformations along faults: An experimental approach


J. Schmittbuhl, O. Lengliné, J.P. Ampuero, M. Bouchon

08:50 - 09:10

Earthquake Cycle Research in North Iceland


S. Jonsson, S. Metzger

09:10 - 09:30

The 2004 Parkfield earthquake (Mw 6) post-seismic surface displacement observed by coupling ERS and ENVISAT InSAR between 2005 and 2010.


G. Bacques, D. Raucoules, M. De Michele, H. Aochi

09:30 - 09:50

Coseismic displacements and Holocene slip rates for two thrust faults at the mountain front of the Andean Precordillera (~33°S)


S. Schmidt, R. Hetzel, E. Salomon, F. Mingorance, A. Hampel

09:50 - 10:10

10:10 - 10:30 - Coffee Break





Upper bound deformation in the Upper Rhine Graben from GPS data - First results from GURN (GNSS Upper Rhine Graben Network)


M. Lehujeur, F. Masson, P. Ulrich, C. Doubre, A. Knoepfler, M. Mayer, B. Heck

10:30 - 10:50

Vertical Displacements in the Upper Rhine Graben Area Derived from Precise Levelling Data


T. Fuhrmann, M. Westerhaus, K. Zippelt, B. Heck

10:50 - 11:10

An added-value source model of the Haiti earthquake - model robustness estimates from a fully joint optimization of seismic and geodetic data


H. Sudhaus, S. Heimann

11:10 - 11:30

Spatial and temporal variations of the shallow creep along the Haiyuan fault (Gansu, China) revealed by InSAR


R. Jolivet, C. Lasserre, T. Candela, F. Renard, M-P. Doin, Y. Klinger, G. Peltzer, R. Dailu

11:30 - 11:50

GPS velocity field across the Western Altyn Tagh Fault (Tibet), implication on fault mechanics


P. Vernant,  J. He, J. Chery, W. Wang, S. Lu, W. Kuo, W. Xia

11:50 - 12:10

Two successive slow slip events evidenced in 2009-2010 by a dense GPS network in Guerrero, Mexico


A. Walpersdorf, N. Cotte, V. Kostoglodov, M. Vergnolle,

M. Radiguet, J-A. Santiago, M. Campillo

12:10 - 12:30

12:30 - 13:30 – Lunch


13:30 - 19:00 Field excursion to the Vosges Mountains

Conducted by Prof. Hubert Whitechurch


19:00 - 21:30 – Wine tasting and Dinner

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